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Let’s partner to unleash your impact and make the world a better place.

We believe that the fastest and most sustainable solution to today's increasingly complex and difficult economic, social and environmental problems can only happen by increasing the positive contributions of the private sector and reducing its negative effects.  And impact investing is the key to unlock this potential.

Our experience

Our values and past experience led us to become impact investors and advisors.


We worked in senior roles in international development, investment banking, corporate management and foundations. We started companies, failed, succeeded and experienced what it takes to be an entrepreneur and investor.  We have been there.


We educated ourselves in the best way possible to translate our entire spectrum of experience into impact-investing to create meaningful change with our acumen and together with our partners.

Our name

Our name is derived from the Ancient Greek word aletheia.  Alethia and its forms mean telling the truth and being factual. The opposite of being in oblivion.


To us, the word Alethina summarizes our objective to face today's challenges, to identify and solve real world problems through innovation, rigorous analytics and passion for a better world.  


We seek to share our ability to see and seize new opportunities, and to strive for higher ambitions with partners that can be trusted.

Our approach

We believe that how you invest matters as much as what you invest in.


We believe in innovative financial structures, that are fit-for-purpose, addressing the needs of both the investor and the company seeking investments. 


Not every company is for every investor. By combining our investment banking and impact skills, we serve as impact bankers to create the appropriate structures that bring togeth

Our reach

We are based in Istanbul, Turkey and Lisbon, Portugal.


Through our network of partners, that include funds, foundations, development experts and ecosystem builders, we have access to experience and opportunities in all parts of the world.  


We believe both in local solutions with global potential, and global solutions with placed based impact.

Are you ready to create impact?

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